2009 meeting
Austrian National Library, Vienna, Austria
Business meeing: 27 Apr 2009
Symposium:28 Apr 2009
Dewey goes Europe: on the use and development of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) in European libraries. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria.
- Introduction to EDUG / Patrice Landry (PPT)
- DDC in Germany: experiences and perspectives / Heidrun Alex (PPT)
- The use of the DDC at the Swiss National Library / Patrice Landry (PPT)
- On the use of Dewey in Iceland / Thordis T. Thorarinsdottir (PDF)
- Dewey in Scandinavia : exploring new translation models of Dewey / Ingebjørg Rype & Magdalena Svanberg (PPT)
- DDC on the Semantic Web: publishing the German DDC 22 and the SWD as linked open data in MelvilSearch / Lars G. Svensson (PPT)
- Retrieval concepts and mapping strategies: the potential of CrissCross for improving access to the DDC / Jessica Hubrich (PPT)
- Terminology services and the DDC: the High-Level Thesaurus and beyond / Gordon Dunsire (PPT)