2008 meeting
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Business meeting: 9 Apr 2008
Symposium: 10 Apr 2008
New perspectives on subject indexing and classification in an international context: international symposium in honour of Magda Heiner-Freiling, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Mapping two classification schemes / Magdalena Svanberg (PDF)
- Ontological spine, localization and multilingual access: some reflections and a proposal / Winfried Gödert (PDF)
- Representation of DDC in MARC21: an update / Julianne Beall (PDF)
- Taxonomies as resources: identification, location and access of a "webified" Dewey / Michael Panzer (PDF)
- Unified access: a SemanticWeb based model for subject access in heterogeneously indexed repositories / Lars G. Svennson (PDF)
- The evolution of subject heading languages in Europe and their impact on subject access interoperability / Patrice Landry (PDF)
- Virtual International Authority File: new perspectives / Christel Hengel-Dittrich (PDF)